親情、友誼......,我們一起攬住美好的回憶,共同追逐各自的夢想 !
Teenagers always have plenty of impractical dreams, but they make their lives more colorful. Take Anne in “Anne of Green Gables” for example, Anne made a lot of effort to pursue what she wanted. She and Diana were bosom friends and she competed with Gilbert in academic performance. I think the three main ingredients which the author of Anne of Green Gables was eager to put were how to overcome the difficulties, make confidence and have good friendship.
I think the most impressive part to me is that how she made her dreams come true. Anne was hardworking to complete her academic activities. She and Gilbert mutually contested in Avery scholarship and being a medalist. Ultimately, both of Anne and Gilbert won one award respectively.
When Anne was eager to start her teaching career around Green Gables so as to take care of Marilla, the school near Green Gables gave the opportunity to her because Gilbert submitted to it for her. And they became friends who always helped each other.
When I knew Anne's capability in manipulating the things that happened in her daily life, I was stunned that she was a poor orphan. She always challenged herself and adhered to her goals. Setting up self-confidence is significant to achieve our goals. Having a great competition can stimulate us to improve ourselves. In the story, both of Anne and Gilbert were good competitors with each other.
Last but not least, teenagers have some friends in the lives. Anne had the best friend, Diana, who always supported her decisions and encouraged her when she was in troubles, and Gilbert also helped Anne a lot.
In the long run, I think there are many lessons to teach up in the story. If we can cling to our destinations, we can be successful in the future. And we should cherish love from the people surrounding us.